
Atmospheric photo ET35 at sunset
Standard VDS
A Height with cab 2,491 mm 2,573 mm
A Total height with rotating beacon 2,630 mm 2,711 mm
B1 Width of cab 980 mm 980 mm
B2 Width travel gear 1,630 mm 1,630 mm
B3 Width of dozer blade 1,630 mm 1,630 mm
C Transport length short shovel arm 5,268 mm 5,252 mm
D Digging depth max., short shovel arm 3,245 mm 3,166 mm
D Digging depth max., long shovel arm 3,497 mm 3,416 mm
E Piercing depth max., short shovel arm 2,120 mm 2,042 mm
E Piercing depth max., long shovel arm 2,360 mm 2,279 mm
F Piercing height max., short shovel arm 4,929 mm 5,010 mm
F Piercing height max., long shovel arm 5,082 mm 5,163 mm
G Dumping height max., short shovel arm 3,337 mm 3,417 mm
G Dumping height max., long shovel arm 3,489 mm 3,570 mm
H Digging radius max., short shovel arm 5,270 mm 5,270 mm
H Digging radius max., long shovel arm 5,507 mm 5,507 mm
I Max. reach at ground level (short shovel arm) 5,158 mm 5,143 mm
I Max. reach at ground level (long shovel arm) 5,408 mm 5,393 mm
J Tail swing radius 1,168 mm 1,168 mm
K1 Boom offset max. (to center of bucket right side) 476 mm 476 mm
K2 Boom offset max. (to center of bucket left side) 447 mm 447 mm
L Stacking height max. (dozer blade above surface) 393 mm 393 mm
M Digging depth max. (dozer blade below surface) 505 mm 505 mm
N Length travel drive 2,062 mm 2,062 mm
O1 Max. swivel angle (arm system to the left) 70 ° 70 °
O2 Max. swivel angle (arm system to the right) 55 ° 55 °
Q1 Boom swing radius right 55 ° 55 °
Q2 Boom swing radius left 70 ° 70 °

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